Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 12th October 2023



Arif Ladha, Maureen Levy, Tom Harrison, Geoff Bell, Denise Fonseca (Brenda Quelch-Brown joined later)


Apologies from:

Derek Bird, Anne Millar, Richard Hoffman


Minutes of the meeting on 22nd June 2023

Were agreed.


Matters Arising



Response to Questions Submitted

  • On the question on the use of mobile phones in the waiting area, the practice is encouraging patients to use their mobile phones to access information and it is impossible to enforce a ban on them in the waiting room.  They do try and curb  noise and will tackle that, but patients do have a right to use their mobile.
  • The issue of patients being directed to where the GP is working usually works well, but can fall down when locums are working in different rooms.  They are still working on that, but they are limited by systems that don’t talk to each other in the organisation.
  • Re a visible sign in both waiting areas stating the complaints procedure – Arif confirmed that this had been updated and Brenda had noted this.
  • The notice boards have been updated and they try to make sure the information is appropriate.  One of the boards is for Social Prescribing.  The request for the information to be prioritised has been passed onto those concerned and, again, Brenda had noticed an improvement.
  • Arif explained that a patient in Croydon can choose to be referred to a specific hospital and this will be noted by their GP.  The referral will be sent to a central referral service.  This service might contact the patient and point out that another, more local, hospital has eg a shorter waiting time, but the choice remains the patient’s.  Every GP’s surgery will have a similar system and so, someone who has moved out of the area, can ask their GP to refer them back to a hospital in Croydon if they choose.

Practice Update

  • There are two new members of staff working in the HCA/Care Co-Ordinator areas.
  • Two GPs are on maternity leave and 2 locums are covering their hours.
  • Staffing is stable.
  • Receptionists are working well and signposting patients to the appropriate clinician.
  • They are constantly reviewing systems and tweaking them to work better.
  • Since Covid the emphasis in the practice is on staff well being and this is the same with every practice
  • Still working on cloud telegraphy and Arif is waiting for this to arrive in order to sort out the telephone problem in OCMP.
  • Preparing for winter and the first flu vaccination session was held on Saturday and there was a good turnout.  A nasal session was held for children. The next session will on October 21st.
  • The practice is working with the ICB  and the district nurses team to ensure Covid and flu vaccinations are given to the most vulnerable patients, including care homes.  This is being done throughout Croydon and should be finished by the third week of October.
  • ICBs are going through a period of restructuring in order to produce the savings demanded from the commissioners and NHS England and Arif is waiting to see what results from this.

Brenda joined the meeting at this point and asked a question about physio in the practice. 

  • Arif explained that there are two types of physio in OCMP. One is Vita Health community physio commissioned by the ICB, who use a spare room usually for half a day. Also, as a PCN, we can recruit additional roles, such as pharmacist, paramedic etc.  The three largest practices in the PCN (OCMP, Selsdon and Woodcote) have a whole time equivalent physio under a contracting arrangement. (Bramley’s access to a physio is the one in OCMP, we have six sessions and Bramley has one). They are part of the multi-disciplinary team.  OCMP has two pharmacists as well.  The reception directs patients to the most appropriate clinician.  Arif agreed with Brenda that it would be an improvement, if a patient were sent a text asking them to book a review of their medication, that the text should specify who the review would be with ie not their GP but a pharmacist.

Update BQB

  • Tea Party -   I have applied for funding to continue the tea parties and awaiting a decision.  There is sufficient funding to hold 3 more events. Until I receive a decision I have made the decision to not hold each month but every two months so that attendees still have something to look forward to.
  • Presentations -  The Prostate Cancer presentation was not so well attended as  in the past.  Several apologies were received owing to the weather.  Feedback was excellent.  I sent out slides to everyone who had requested and asked Arif to circulate to all the doctors.
  • Hypnotherapy Presentation was not well attended as expected, however, it was interesting and feedback was sent to Dr Randle.
  • Community Presentations on the 6th October was not as well attended as I had hoped  despite that it had been advertised and reminders sent out to the virtual group.  Unfortunately, I was not able to be present.  
  • NAPP Corkhill Award – NAPP has reintroduced the Corkhill Award.  PPGs have been invited to submit an application detailing what they have been doing in the 22/23 year.  The successful PPG will win £400.  I will be submitting an application. Successful PPG will be notified in November.  We are up against stiff competition from PPGs in the North of England.

Patient Experience – Listening Table  

  • 7 Patients interviewed.   5 Females and 2 Males.  Age group mixed.  
  • Two younger female patients were using the NHS App and found this preferable to the older system. Particularly preferred being able to order request repeat prescriptions.
  • The two male patients said they would consider downloading the App.  Advised there were advantages and that if they had difficulties to contact the practice and ask to speak to Vivian.
  • Two older female patients didn’t have use of a mobile phone and made appointments by landline after 8am.  Had to wait sometime to get through as lines very busy.  Also thought that  when they got through, the message was too long.
  • One female patient would like to use the NHS App but not sure how to download.  I downloaded the App and showed how to navigate on my phone.  Advised to contact practice if she had difficulties and ask to speak with Vivian.
  • All patients did not have to wait too long before being seen by their GP.  Advised if GP was running late a message was displayed to this effect.
  • All patients happy with the consultation and their needs met.
  • All patients appreciated the difficulties of the NHS and that the hospital doctors strikes were putting extra pressure on GPs.  Advised that all our medical staff were working flat out to meet the needs of our patients.
  • One patient suggested that a children’s surgery might be helpful..  
  • All found the receptionist staff pleasant and helpful, although there were a couple who did not have people skills as the others.  Asked in what way, - looked at the computer when they went to the reception and did not acknowledge them or state ‘be with you in a moment’.  I apologised that they felt this but if receptionists were entering data they may have needed to complete the section they were working on.
  • Only one patient had heard of the PPG!   (The practice must help to promote the PPG)

Any Other Business

Geoff commented that sometimes the receptionists ignore patients standing at reception.  Arif responded:

  • that the role of receptionist covers much more than sitting at reception and they cover a lot of admin as well.  Often they will be dealing with issues on behalf of the doctors, which might involve the patient they have just seen or the one about to enter their room.
  • The practice welcomes feedback and does offer additional customer service training for the staff.  He pointed out that, in a recent survey, OCMP reception was given a 98% rating, which is excellent.

Arif announced that he was receiving his MBA at the graduation ceremony next month and thanked the PPG for the support and encouragement he had been given during the past three years. The PPG congratulated him on his achievement. Arif is the lead business role in the PCN.


Date of Next Meeting

30th November 2023 at 5:00pm and it will be on Teams